Veggiekarte Data Check
This page shows the result of different checks of the data of vegan and vegetarian locations from OpenStreetMap (OSM).
We check inconsistencies, completeness, format of URIs, validation of email addresses, correct use of OSM tags, etc.
So this map and this table (it takes a few seconds to load) can help you to improve the data quality of the locations near you or even worldwide.
If you are already used to edit OSM data, simply take a look at the information in the popup boxes.
If you are new to OSM, take a look at the Beginners' guide.
Please be prudent when changing data at OSM.
It's possible that not every issue presented here is really a problem. Feel free to give us feedback about questionable entries.
Because some checks cause some traffic, they only take place once a day. So if you correct data, you won't see a change here until tomorrow.
Connect with others
To connect with others you can use the chat OSM Vegan with Matrix (#osmvegan: or with Telegram ( You are welcome to ask questions there.
Who will benefit if you help improve the data?
We built this site mainly to improve the data for Veggiekarte. But there are many more profiteurs. When you are improving the data of OSM, all apps and their users will have an advantage and therefore also the operators of the veggie locations.